What will I learn?

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The power of databases, what they are & how they can be used

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Databases and their core features

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Gathering, growing, and mapping entry points for data collection

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E-mail marketing, what is effective and how to leverage for success

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Building positive customer experiences and boosting reputation

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Interpreting trends to inform future sales and marketing activity

Similar resources and courses in this theme

Tactical Marketing Actions to Drive Shoulder Season Sales for SMEs

learniFI Live

Wednesday 26th February, 2.00pm – 4.00pm 

This online workshop will teach you how to prepare for and implement your marketing activity for the season ahead.

Two ladies at a cash register

The Business of Tourism


Thursday 27th February, 10.00am – 12.00pm

This workshop will give you an increased understanding of the tourism industry. It will take you through our key target customers and what motivates their domestic holiday decision making process and will demonstrate how best you can get yourself started on your marketing journey.

Two swimmers stretching as the sun rises over the lake

Delivering an Effective Paid Social Campaign for Tourism

learniFI Live

Wednesday 12th March 2025, 2.00pm – 4.00pm

This workshop will help you target current and potential audience groups via paid social media campaigns via the use of clear messaging and calls to action. Importantly it will also teach you how to measure the impact of your campaigns on your return on investment so that future activity can be altered.