Carbon Calculator for Businesses

With rising energy and fuel prices, it has never been more important for your business to be energy efficient. Estimating your carbon footprint (and understanding your energy, water and waste use) is an important step to reduce your carbon emissions which will also help to cut costs.

In the journey to net-zero, you can’t manage what you don’t measure! Start by getting the carbon footprint for your business, then compare against international benchmarks to give context to your performance. Continue to measure on an annual basis to monitor your progress.

Fáilte Ireland recommends the government developed Climate Toolkit 4 Business (CT4B) for tourism businesses. It delivers a carbon footprint as well as an action plan to reduce emissions.

You can expect to complete the carbon calculator and access the benchmarks within 30 minutes once all the data is to hand.

Available resources to get you started:

Remember to register (you only need to provide your business name and email). This will allow you to access your carbon footprint and action plan throughout the year.

Already registered? Use the Login button to review your carbon footprint and request your sector-specific benchmark or review your Action Plan.

Video Resources
