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Browse our range of courses to support your personal development and enhance your efficiency at work.

People sitting a shared table in a coffee shop, having a conversation.

Achieving work-life balance


Having a good work-life balance is fundamental to your health, happiness and your success. In a digital world, it’s harder than ever to truly go “offline.” This course provides core strategies for prioritisation and knowing when to disconnect.

Woman's face is lit by her laptop

Boosting your confidence 


Feeling confident and performing at your best is easy when things have been going well, but in challenging times, it becomes more difficult. This course teaches you five mental tricks to re-energise so that you can give your best.

Two women in an office

Handling critical conversations


How you interact with colleagues is vital to the progress you make at work. This short course contains a practical guide to help organise your communication, outlining clear benchmarks and agreement points which underpin all productive conversations.

Woman wearing a headset talking with her hands

Getting people to listen


We all come to work with new ideas like how to streamline a process or perhaps an idea for a new product. Well, the next step is getting your point across. How can you convince people of your ‘a ha!’ moment? This short course will show you how.